Current Projects
The Blanket Banner Project
The Blanket Banner Project
YPAC continue to create our collaborative patchwork Blanket Banner Project with many Plymouth based communities, groups and schools. YPAC work with each participant, inspiring them to make their patch and add to this wonderful community art work.
The very first patch was created at the Young People Seeking Safety Day of Mini Conferences. YPAC asked each participant to create a fabric/textile patch which represents 'what makes us feel safe?' And have kept asking since then...
YPAC have made patches with START's Soft Creations group (for female refugees) at The Sherwell Centre, Plymouth Hope Football Fesitival, Take A Part in Efford and were paired up with Plymouth Libraries for this years Refugee Week. Next year YPAC are set to work with Carers Champions.
To see more images of our Blanket Banner Project at Young People Seeking Safety Day and other previous YPAC work check out our Events tab.
Snakey Paths And Ladders
Snakey Path and Ladders is a community game that allows the players to voice their positive and negative opinions of the area in which they are playing. This art game was launched at Take A Part in Efford, a day of celebration and events surrounding the regeneration of Efford.
The aim of this art game is to encourage the viewers of the work to become participants and share their thoughts and feelings on the places that they live or have experiences of in Plymouth. These opinions are recorded and fed back to the people who can change these areas for the better.
YPAC are interested in the stories that individuals from different communities in Plymouth have to share. YPAC have an upcoming radio show project which will be aimed at locals sharing their life stories.
Upcoming Projects
Nebula is the name of our 3 published Newspapers which will cover vast information on the British Art Show and answer those all important questions such as "what is the British Art Show?" And "why is it called In The Days of The Comet?"
Plus Nebula will give insight into the practice of young local Plymouth based artists and share stories which highlight the importance of the creative arts in todays society.
YPAC have collaborated with the Young Explainers from Plymouth University and Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery on this project, with our first edition set to be released on the 17th September at the launch of the British Art Show 7 in Plymouth.
By Any Chance
By Any Chance is our Fringe programme name. Listed below are the projects that will be a part of this programme. The final project under this title will be an exhibition in Plymouth Arts Centre in January 2012 which will feature artworks inspired by H.G Wells' novel 'In The Days Of The Comet.'
To find out about other Plymouth fringe projects visit
To find out about other Plymouth fringe projects visit
Bellyfluff will be a cultural exploration of Plymouth through the naval! A faux scientific belly fluff experiment will feature belly fluff in ways you could only imagine! Growing Bellyfluff in Petri dishes, specimen boards and a belly day full of naval appreciation!
Bellyfluff Mini Project by Bethie Helliwell
GameSwap/Fringes of the city installation
We will commission an artist to perform or install work for an area on the fringe of the city, previous to this we will have started a dialogue with that community. So far our idea is to work in ASDA Estover and start by doing a 'games swap' day between the generations. A giant hop-scotch could be involved.
YPAC Radio show
YPAC will be broadcasting for a week from the 22nd October in seven locations around Plymouth as part of the Freesound radio station programme at Plymouth Arts Centre.
The radio shows will feature pre-recorded interviews and soundscapes from recent, local community events as well as live recordings in each location to capture the atmosphere of the places as our shows go out on air. YPAC also plan to record in pubs on the fringes of communities in Plymouth, to hear the stories of the local people who live in each area.
Future Projects
Lilly pad restaurant, summer 2012. We will commission giant floating lilly pads to float in a Lido where diners will have warm picnics. There are 4 events- opening night- 1940's theme, Children & mother's high tea, Opulent banquet, float in film night.